Personalized Flight Training
At MyFlight we believe that everyone learns differently. That is why we have developed a training curriculum that is designed to maximize your success by being adaptable to your learning style. Every license or rating we teach has a curriculum that can be designed to fit your needs with career flight instructors committed to your success. Get started with MyFlight today.
No Matter Your Goals, We Help You Get ThereStudents come to us with all sorts of goals. Business owners looking to fly for their jobs, high school students looking to go to the airlines, people looking for recreational weekend fun. No matter what you want to do in aviation, MyFlight can get you there.
Flight Training for the 21st Century
MyFlight combines practical real-world flight training scenarios in the cockpit with informative ground lessons. Currently MyFlight offers online video training so that your studying can continue no matter where you are. By constantly updating and refreshing ground content, the training you get at MyFlight is always up to date with the latest industry information.